The matrix is real

Every network has its source. This universe is a network of galaxies and our Earth is a small part of it. There should be a source for this universe. 
Let's compare the universe to our lifestyle. We wake up in the morning, we do activities during the day and we take rest at night. Imagine the universe has its day and night. We see dreams when we are asleep. Then what universe can dream? For that, we have to understand what a dream is. The dream is the world of mind that it sees while we are asleep. It is most likely a fantasy world, though we feel it is real when we are dreaming. Dreams are like realities existing in layers within and each layer has its own set of emotions/feelings according to situations. 
Life is a set of emotions/feelings that we are experiencing. When we are happy, we feel that we are in a happy world. When we are sad, the world feels different. Happiness, sadness, loneliness, and emptiness are more like layers of a bigger reality called life. It feels different in water than on land. 
There should be a source for our emotions, situations, and existence we are experiencing. When we dig deeper into our thoughts, we may find that we are reacting to things. When we look in the mirror, we see our reflection. That reflection is the response to our will of seeing. Will is coming from our mind and it is what the mind wants. When we dig further deeper, we see that the mind is just a medium through which the innermost self is witnessing the outer reality. 
When we are dreaming, our mind is showing us the dream world. So the dreaming world is also an outer reality to that innermost self. Let's arrange the patterns then. First, there is the innermost self, then there is the will of the innermost self. After that, there is the mind, then there is the thought. After that, there is action and reaction according to the situation. Will reflects in actions and the outer reality is like a mirror in which we are seeing reflections of actions. So there is a possibility where the innermost reflects on outer reality which is a deep sense has an experience of the innermost self. 
Outer reality is like a matrix and our innermost self is witnessing/experiencing it through the mind. It is happening because of the will. The matrix is real and it is what our innermost self wants. 


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