Consciousness and the Multiverse (Part 3)

Ever imagined where the knowledge came from? Let's say that curiosity is the seed but where did this seed come from? All these questions exist in our minds. 

In the dream, we are witnessing its world like we are part of it and we are coming out of it like we were there for a temporary period. It is like an image reflected in the mirror for a specific time. Let's think that our thoughts are those reflections that appear for a specific period and disappear later. 
Identities we possess are thoughts of the mind because our mind is recognizing us as a physical self. Apart from this, it dwells in multiple thoughts and imagining the self in multiple realities. For example, we are sitting in the classroom for a lecture, and when we are getting bored after some time, our mind gets diverted and starts dwelling on future possibilities or another reality. Similarly in dreams, our mind is exploring various possibilities. We are labeling those realities or possibilities as thoughts or imagination. 

We are experiencing existence because of consciousness. So there has to be a consciousness behind this universe. A black hole is sucking all of the creation. Let's assume that a black hole is a storage of multiple universes (Multiverse). It is like one deep tunnel universe which may have multiple outlets. This tunnel exists may exist beyond space and time or it may be like a mixer. 

If there is consciousness behind this universe, then it is appearing as a tunnel. It is containing different worlds. Minds are its outlets. Let's say that consciousness is pure energy and it generates multiple realities. This is one active source. 

Curiosity is like a dream within a dream or a thought behind a thought. When we want to know more, we are diving deeper into the ocean of knowledge. 


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