Beyond Time

Mysteries are like a lost treasure. Because I feel that the satisfaction of even understanding mysteries are one of the best treasures we can get. I am trying to hunt hidden mystery behind time. I am trying to understand it in the best possible ways. 
We know time is a thing that moves forward and it is not stopping for anyone. We are getting older with time. There is a mind, there are thoughts and there are dreams which exist beyond time. I mean time is not the direct controller of them. At specific times, our mind thinks certain thoughts, and in dreams, we see the world developed by them. 
I am curious about the patterns. Because without time, things are just unsettled. Imagine water will stop falling from the cliff in a waterfall, and leaves will stop moving because there would be no airflow.  Without time, existence would not be there. So we can say that we are in a world that is controlled by time. But in our mind, we imagine the world without time. 
Through our thoughts, we can move toward the past and the future. Through our actions, we may manifest the possible future. But we are not a 100 percent controller of that. Because time is the ultimate decider of the possible future. 
Our senses, our thoughts, our actions, and our logical mindset are some of the possible loops in the vast mystery of time. We do actions, but before that, we think about the actions and their consequences. According to that, we plan our actions. Time is deciding situations. If the action has worked out according to the plan, then we believe that we had successfully controlled the whole thing. But at some percent, time helped us in that. 

We are predetermining the consequences of actions while doing them and we are applying logical thinking over those actions so we can get the best possible results. When we are playing chess, we are predetermining the moves of the opponents. 
Our minds and feelings are getting affected while we are doing actions because those are considering results as their aims. We are living for aims. If things did not work out according to the plan and we did not get the appropriate outcome, we are rather getting disturbed or sad or we move on to our next activities. 
So beyond time in terms of existence, our logical thinking is acting as a multidimensional tool that is working with time. If time is the mirror, then we are reflecting on that. Because we think about time and we are moving with it. We live in moments. 
Sometimes time is giving us chances to fix several things. Being practical and logical is the best thing we can do. 


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